The Zoom app is regularly updated with new features.
But recently, the changes to Zoom were a lot more dramatic - with a total overhaul of the its computer interface. One feature that I hadn't tried until this week is really quite impressive, and I will now use for most Zoom appointments.
28/5/2024 0 Comments I am ditching my favourite scanner and note-taking apps. What are the alternatives?One of my favourite apps has changed - to the point where I aim finding it no longer usable and it's time to ditch it for a replacement.
It is the (previously) free app Evernote Scannable, which has always done such an amazing jobs of scanning documents AND photos. I have recommended Scannable to so many clients over the 9 or so years since it first arrived on the scene. And I know that so many iTandCoffee clients have used and loved this app. So how will I (and other Scannable users) scan using an iPhone in future? An iTandCoffee Club member had the following question today:
"I want to use my iPhone which is connected to my hearing aids via bluetooth to pick up busy conversations in restaurants by placing it on the table in front of the person I am speaking with. Is there an app which would enable me to do this?" Whether it is using hearing aids or just your AirPods, the answer is a big Yes! There is a feature of your iPhone and these hearing devices that allows you to use your phone to hear conversations better in a crowded room - or any other time. We all hate passwords.
So imagine a world where you don't have to keep track of so many passwords! And where your password can't get stolen. That future is here now, in the form of Passkeys. Many websites now allow you to set up your online account with a passkey as your authentication method, rather than (or as well as) a password and multi-factor authentication. Simply by signing in to a website/app on a device that is trusted by that website, and authenticating using that device (e.g. using Face ID, Touch ID or that device's password/password), you can avoid having to enter a password. But what is a Passkey, how do you set them up, where are they stored, and how can you make sure that you can sign in using that passkey on any device/computer? I know many of you will already have been using a digital licence for a while now, but for those of us who live in Melbourne and other regions of Victoria, these licenses have only become available this month of May (after a successful trial in Ballarat).
A digital license means that you don't need to carry your driver licence with you when you drive, as long as you have your smartphone with you. If needed, you can access your licence from an app on your mobile device. If you need to provide this licence (e.g to the police or as proof of identity/age), from the app you can generate a QR code that is valid for 2 minutes. Police/businesses will be able to scan this QR code to check for a valid licence. (Note. Some businesses may not have updated their systems yet, so it is recommended to carry your physical licence for a little while longer, during the transition period - especially for proof of age checks.) If you are on a full license, here's how to get your digital driver licence on your smartphone. (Note. P and L platers will need to wait a bit longer for theirs - it should be available by 2025.) 22/5/2024 0 Comments Using an Apple PencilAn iTandCoffee Club member suggested this week that he would like to see a class about using the Apple Pencil.
I have to confess that, even though I have an Apple Pencil with my iPad Pro and do love it, I am not a big user of it - especially the more advanced features that an artistic person would love. And it would be a tricky class to run over Zoom. So, I have instead pulled together a list of articles and a couple of videos that allow you to learn more about the Apple Pencil. 22/5/2024 0 Comments Can I connect an external hard drive or USB stick to my iPad and access its files?When it is time to look at getting a new computer, if you don't have any specific requirements that mean you must get a computer, it is perhaps worth considering the option of getting an iPad instead.
iPads can do pretty much all the things a computer can do - Emails, Web Browsing, file storage and management, word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, photos - and so much more, such as
In a conversation on the topic of iPads vs computers with an iTandCoffee Club Member recently, one of the questions he asked was whether he would be able to use an iPad to access the files that are on an external storage device. I have received recent notifications from Adobe, about the imminent retirement of one of my favourite apps, Adobe Fill & Sign.
Adobe Fill and Sign has been my 'go to' app for filling in forms and signing documents - avoiding the need to print forms the I receive and scan them after filling in and signing them. I can do all that on my iPhone or iPad, from anywhere. So what will be the alternative once this app is retired? |
What's on at iTandCoffee ?Below is our list of videos, classes and other events that are coming up soon.
Videos shown are offered for eligible members of the iTandCoffee Club. If you have questions, why not join fun and informative 'user group' meetings, held once a month. All iTandCoffee classes are run as online classes (using Zoom), which means you can attend from anywhere. |
27 Sycamore St, Camberwell, Victoria Australia
(also located in Daylesford)
(also located in Daylesford)
Call +61 444 532 161 or 1300 885 320
to book an appointment or class, or to enquire about our services and products
Seniors Card holders qualify for a 10% discount on all classes booked and paid for online (excludes PTT sessions and classes already discounted during COVID-19 crisis). To activate the discount at the time of booking, select Redeem Coupon or Gift Certificate and enter 10OFFSEN before selecting Pay Now. |
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