Testimonials from Clients
Here are just some of the example of the feedback we have had in 2020-2021 from iTandCoffee clients, via the iTandCoffee website, email or text. (To view feedback from previous years, choose the Previous option at the bottom of this page.)
Testimonials from 2021
A mass of smiles, backed up with first class technology (16/12/21)
Frank S says: Lynette has the ability of almost making a computer problem a pleasure. Lynette listens, discusses the resolution and then gets on with solving the problem. This is done with a mass of smiles, backed up with first class technology. Thank you again for your expertise and most pleasant company in my hour of need.
So grateful you are helping me (7/11/22)
Helen S says: I have thanked you several times but again it gave me a focus, so thanks. Forcing myself to read the newsletters (as so full of up to date info), so grateful you are helping me with my least favoured topic, technology.
(iTandCoffee Club member and Newsletter Reader)
(iTandCoffee Club member and Newsletter Reader)
I am in awe of what you continue to produce (28/10/22)
Peter L says: Just wanted to say I am in awe of what you continue to produce. I think what was most reinforced to me from today’s video is not to put off doing backups to external hard-drives. During the lockdowns and the fact that I was so seldom leaving home I did put it off sometimes thinking nothing could go wrong or be stolen, (or the roof could fall in during an earthquake and destroy my computer!) etc etc. I am now returning to the straight and narrow!
(Video of the Day service for iTandCoffee Club members)
(Video of the Day service for iTandCoffee Club members)
Comments about Video of the Day service during lockdown (October 2021)
Unknown says: I have found the continuing offer of video of the day and regular offerings extremely helpful. Even though we are coming out of lockdown many people are still somewhat reluctant to return to face to face and I think the availablility of on line offerings is essential to provide a service to the range of people who will continue to benefit from this.
Sandra says: I enjoyed being able to go and view the videos anytime {online membership} and repeat them.
Judy Y says: I have looked at 7 or 8 so far and have found all to be really interesting, helpful and reinforce how little I know! Quite a while ago I did a class with Lynette on creating a photo book which was absolutely fabulous.
Rosalie S says: I particularly enjoy any videos to do with photos - taking them, scanning old photos and managing them.Thanks again for making the videos available.
Unknown says: The mix was great. Even though I didn’t access many, it was a good prompter each day to think about learning more
Sandra C says: Thanks enormously Lynette. I feel much more au fait and confident in using my IPad, Iphone and MacBook Air. I have valued this service.
Margaret R says: Your sessions were a life saver for me, especially as I live alone. I've always loved learning and these sessions made me focus and think - and during this last long lockdown in particular I sometimes felt that my brain had stuck on 'vague'. I know I could have watched a lot of your videos on my own at any time, but somehow I never could find the motivation to do that. So thanks again.
My favorite sessions were: ways of using the Notes app, the Photos app, and some of the practicalities (security, accessing the internet, synching), They didn't solve everything, but I feel that I have a better understanding and am a little more in control. Love the Notes app now!
Thanks again for your real assistance during a hard time. It helped more than I can say - Margaret R
My favorite sessions were: ways of using the Notes app, the Photos app, and some of the practicalities (security, accessing the internet, synching), They didn't solve everything, but I feel that I have a better understanding and am a little more in control. Love the Notes app now!
Thanks again for your real assistance during a hard time. It helped more than I can say - Margaret R
Joan C says: Lynette, I have found them fantastic. Very motivating during lockdown and although I didn’t get to watch them every day, I really appreciate them.
Marg F says: I have loved the videos and watched so many of them. I have learnt so much - somethings were new to me and others a great refresher. You do it all in such an easy, relaxed way and explain terminology in such simple terms. Keep up the great work. It is very much appreciated.
Coralie says: Loving it Lynette. Have been doing a video regularly and finding my way in the Apple world a lot better now. Thanks. I will continue using for sure.
Joanne says: I don't always get to the sessions on the day, but love the fact that they are available when I get the time to review.
Fantastic service...thanks Lynette. I appreciate it must have taken a huge amount of time on your behalf but there are many of us out here in the ether that look for your guidance and expertise daily. Thank you
Fantastic service...thanks Lynette. I appreciate it must have taken a huge amount of time on your behalf but there are many of us out here in the ether that look for your guidance and expertise daily. Thank you
Extremely helpful (4/10/22)
Caroline M says: I am starting up a Private Business and really needed IT support to get started. Lynette was extremely helpful in navigating how to set up accounts and explaining domains. There are many Pitfalls out there in the cyber world and a competent guide is a necessity. I highly recommend ITandCoffee for your Internet needs.
(Remote support using Zoom)
(Remote support using Zoom)
You enliven my often befuddled postings into lively and thoughtful words (16/9/22)
Jane S says: Thank you for your help with developing my Facebook and Instagram weekly posts. I look forward to Wednesday mornings for our 15 minute Zoom sessions when you enliven my often befuddled postings into lively and thoughtful words. Your help with Canva and choosing and editing my photos, you can always manage to find them despite my disorganised files. As a result I have an ever increasing number of followers and orders for The Girl and The Olive are beginning to flow.
(Regular assistance with social media posting for small business)
(Regular assistance with social media posting for small business)
You explain things in a kind and inclusive way (7/9/22)
Tina H says: You have made such a good impression on my staff. Whenever we implement anything new in IT they ask if you can come and do staff training! Apparently you explain things in a kind and inclusive way! Very high praise indeed.
(Technology support and training for a Victorian not-for-profit organisation)
(Technology support and training for a Victorian not-for-profit organisation)
Positive, professional and easy to understand (20/8/22)
Deidre D says: I can't recommend iTandCoffee enough :-) I had huge problems with my iMac and Lynette very patiently guided me through the situation. It's the first time I've come across someone who could actually support me with my IT challenges in a positive, professional and easy to understand way. I'm so grateful for your service and so much value! Thank you and can't wait to actually come and do a face to face course :-)
(Remote support for small business)
(Remote support for small business)
Excellent problem solving skills (18/8/21)
Teri A says: Lynette, you are a life saver. Your calm, professional and friendly attitude always assists with trouble shooting what I feel are insurmountable problems. It’s comforting to know that your expertise is only a click away. Thank you so much for your relaxed patient attitude.
Your support this morning was such a relief. I really appreciate your friendly practical and professional manner and your excellent problem solving skills.
(Remote appointment via Zoom)
Your support this morning was such a relief. I really appreciate your friendly practical and professional manner and your excellent problem solving skills.
(Remote appointment via Zoom)
Informative videos (16/8/21)
Gary F says: We wanted to say how we have enjoyed your informative videos enabling us to get far more value from our phone. Especially in these lockdown times we look forward to each days learning.
(New Video of the Day service)
(New Video of the Day service)
Learned something new each day (13/8/21)
Jill G says: I’ve loved the videos this week & have learned something new each day . Also I can pause at anytime which is hugely helpful to me with my hearing loss. Thank you for making these available & for your updates / alerts to keep us all safe .
(New Video of the Day service)
(New Video of the Day service)
So wonderful to have everything set up correctly (12/8/21)
Anthea I says: I just want to say thank you for all your help with our email setup and it is so wonderful to have everything set up correctly. You really made my life easier and less worrisome.
(Microsoft 365 email setup for business)
(Microsoft 365 email setup for business)
Inspiring (8/8/21)
Marijke M says: Thank you so much for your newest programme. I would be interested in seeing these videos.
I can’t say how grateful I am for your set up. I guess I have felt a bit isolated here as I haven't found anybody else to ‘play” with me and my iPad. Most people are just as isolated as me at this 6th lockdown but your keeping contact with everyone is inspiring.
(New Video of the Day service)
I can’t say how grateful I am for your set up. I guess I have felt a bit isolated here as I haven't found anybody else to ‘play” with me and my iPad. Most people are just as isolated as me at this 6th lockdown but your keeping contact with everyone is inspiring.
(New Video of the Day service)
You are wonderful (8/8/21)
David H says: What a great service Lynette. You are wonderful.
(New Video of the Day service)
(New Video of the Day service)
Such wonderful support (7/8/21)
Sandra F says: After procrastinating for many months Lynette, I was grateful for your assistance via Zoom, to manage the change to Big Sur, and your assistance inclining up my computer so Big Sur would actually fit. It lifted a weight from my shoulders. Its a great comfort to. know you are there! You offer such a wonderful support.
(Remote appointment via Zoom)
(Remote appointment via Zoom)
Extremely Helpful (5/8/21)
Barbara E says: Thank you for the prompt delivery of the Guided Tour of iPad and iPhone. I am working my way through it and am finding it extremely helpful in that it is assisting me not only to gain knowledge but also some confidence
(Book Purchase, A Guided Tour of the iPad and iPhone)
(Book Purchase, A Guided Tour of the iPad and iPhone)
Made everything look and seem so easy (7/7/21)
Judy Y says: Thank you very much for the photobook session last Monday night. The hour zoom session absolutely flew. Lynette made everything look and seem so easy. The proof........ when I finally get around to giving it a go.
(PTT session, Making a photo book)
(PTT session, Making a photo book)
Very knowledgeable and so friendly (2/7/21)
Kate D says: Lynette is very knowledgeable and so friendly. I needed to know how to quickly and efficiently resize groups of photos for different purposes in my volunteer work and she showed me one method, then kindly followed up with another. This has saved me hours, as the process I was using was very time consuming.I would recommend Lynette to anyone needing guidance in the complexities of IT.
(Remote appointment via Zoom)
(Remote appointment via Zoom)
A most informative session (26/6/21)
Maureen M says: Lynette’s session on organising photos on our devices was very helpful. It was presented very clearly, and explained the many icons on my iPad that I had previously not known how to use. Thanks for a most informative session.
(PTT session, Organising those photos on the iPad and iPhone)
(PTT session, Organising those photos on the iPad and iPhone)
Most helpful (4/7/21 & 24/5/21)
Terry O says: I was greatly relieved that you were able to rescue the deleted albums
My recent appointment with iTandCoffee was most helpful and has resolved the problems I was experiencing.
(2 x private appointments)
My recent appointment with iTandCoffee was most helpful and has resolved the problems I was experiencing.
(2 x private appointments)
So patient and helpful (13/4/21)
Sarah W says: So patient and helpful, as always 👍🏻. Thank you !
(Remote support appointment via Zoom)
(Remote support appointment via Zoom)
Proficient, Efficient and Friendly (19/3/21)
Julia L says: I would like to say how proficient, efficient and friendly my Zoom IT and Coffee session was with Lynette in Melbourne to me on the Sunshine Coast last Monday. The half hour flew so quickly. It was fabulous seeing the phone on screen and going through the process of understanding the operating facilities of my new Iphone. Receiving her video of our meeting is fabulous, a real plus and something that I can refer back to when I get that scary “oh my god what do I do now”, feeling with all this latest technology. My son in Canberra put me on to IT andCoffee and I look forward to receiving future newsletters.
(Remote training session on iPhone)
(Remote training session on iPhone)
Wonderful (10/3/21)
Frank S says: When you have a problem, Lynette can almost make it a pleasure. She is so competent, patient and with an enormous attention to detail. When I think the problem is resolved, Lynette keeps on clicking. Wonderful.
(Remote support appointment)
(Remote support appointment)
Lightbulb moment (22/2/21)
Marg W says: I especially enjoyed the segment about Lynette’s top tech tips. I had a lightbulb moment re using Notes, and have started to set up my notes accordingly. My drawer full of saved articles on travel info ‘for that trip someday’ will now be scanned, with Scannable and filed on my Mac. SIRI hasn’t featured in my world yet, but change is on the way….
My calendar will also be put to better use, with reminders being set.
Most of all it, I am after a revolution in keeping my mail under control. I was a little surprised to learn that I’m not the only one to have let mail grow uncontrollably.
('Let's Talk About ...' sessions on 'Getting that mail under control' and 'Top tech tips for an organised life')
My calendar will also be put to better use, with reminders being set.
Most of all it, I am after a revolution in keeping my mail under control. I was a little surprised to learn that I’m not the only one to have let mail grow uncontrollably.
('Let's Talk About ...' sessions on 'Getting that mail under control' and 'Top tech tips for an organised life')
Ask Lynette at iTandCoffee (15/2/21)
Jeff T says: I recently had a very technical and complicated task of converting photos on my iPhone into a different format and then to send them to someone using Dropbox so they could be used in a slideshow. And it needed to be done in a real hurry. I really had no idea where to start. Except one: ask Lynette at IT and Coffee.
Lynette calmly and quickly showed me how to share the photos with her, converted the photos and then sent them off via Dropbox. Everything worked out beautifully on the day, thanks to Lynette.
(Remote support appointment)
Lynette calmly and quickly showed me how to share the photos with her, converted the photos and then sent them off via Dropbox. Everything worked out beautifully on the day, thanks to Lynette.
(Remote support appointment)
Excellent training session (10/2/21)
Michael S says: It was an excellent training session - thanks so much.
(Make a Photo Book online class)
(Make a Photo Book online class)
Every parent should know about iTandCoffee (25/1/21)
Claudia W says: As a parent, its tough to know where to start and if you have it all covered when it cmes to setting up a phone for your child as well as the bigger world of social media and online safety. I came across iTandCoffee and love it!
I chose a 1:1 support session with Lynette and it was invaluable!!! It allowed me to troubleshoot a few issues that I had as well as give me a few pointers about things I didn't know.
Every parent should know about iTandCoffee and how they can support us to support our children!
A big thank you Lynette for making something that can be very daunting, clear and easy to understand.
(Remote support appointment)
I chose a 1:1 support session with Lynette and it was invaluable!!! It allowed me to troubleshoot a few issues that I had as well as give me a few pointers about things I didn't know.
Every parent should know about iTandCoffee and how they can support us to support our children!
A big thank you Lynette for making something that can be very daunting, clear and easy to understand.
(Remote support appointment)
Testimonials from 2020
Can always count on very sound advice (11/12/20)
Martin S says: Always tremendous to work with someone who is near the peak of their industry and who has an innate sense for the field/profession they’re in. Can always count on very sound advice in those circumstances.
(Remote support for small business)
(Remote support for small business)
Lovely class (3/11/20)
Marg B says: Learnt something new as usual. Lovely class. I really like the zoom experience small intimate and no parking or driving. I hope to see you again soon.
(Online User Group)
(Online User Group)
Helped me out of a tricky spot (2/11/20)
Sue O says: Excellent prompt service - helped me out of a tricky spot! Thank you, much appreciated.
Remote Support Appointment
Remote Support Appointment
A very good feel for a lot of Excel's capabilities (2/11/20)
Alan F says: Thanks again for the course. It was great for me in that I will never be a power user, but it gave me a very good feel for a lot of Excel’s capabilities. Format and times etc all suited me well.
(Online Excel Boot Camp)
(Online Excel Boot Camp)
Patience and help are greatly appreciated (31/10/20)
Colin W says: Your session to manage our cloud storage content was excellent and your patience and help are greatly appreciated.
(Remote Support Appointment)
(Remote Support Appointment)
I like her problem solving (24/9/20)
Kathleen M says: I am always amazed that Lynette can help me understand complex processes. And I like her problem solving. She doesn’t pretend to know it all which is very reassuring for me. Trying strategies to solve a problem empowers me.
(Remote support appointment)
(Remote support appointment)
So grateful that you are there (18/9/20)
Julie E says: I’m just so grateful that you are there and that I know about you. It was quite a dilemma, being in lockdown, unable to print wirelessly when preparing my tax, trying but failing to follow instructions in manuals and consequently feeling stupid. Thank you for so cheerfully walking me through the steps and working out where I was going wrong. What a relief!
(Remote support appointment)
(Remote support appointment)
Really appreciate your patience as well as your endless knowledge (5/8/20)
Virginia T says: Thank you, Lynette, for your insight and positive help with my problem with photos on my laptop. Using Zoom so that you could see the screen made me feel less anxious that I would muck up changes at my end! I really appreciate your patience as well as your endless knowledge.
(Remote support appointment)
(Remote support appointment)
George D says: As usual, a perfect consultation. Firstly a very prompt response, Lynette understood what was a fairly complex problem and very quickly identified the solution. Could not be happier with your service Lynette.
(Remote support appointment)
(Remote support appointment)
Logical, methodical (29/7/20)
Sarah M says: Thanks so much for part 1 of the Word series – it is great to go back to basics having just picked things up along the way.
I really liked the way you had recorded the session and then had the powerpoint on screen. Probably less interruptions that way too. You have such an orderly mind – I am always so impressed with the logical, methodical way you structure each training session.
Thanks again Lynette – you taught me a few new things after many years of using Word and I’m sure there will be many more tips to come in the next few weeks.
(Online Microsoft Word Boot Camp)
I really liked the way you had recorded the session and then had the powerpoint on screen. Probably less interruptions that way too. You have such an orderly mind – I am always so impressed with the logical, methodical way you structure each training session.
Thanks again Lynette – you taught me a few new things after many years of using Word and I’m sure there will be many more tips to come in the next few weeks.
(Online Microsoft Word Boot Camp)
Your presentation was excellent (28/7/20)
Catriona M says: Thanks so much for this morning’s session.
It’s been over 30 years since I learnt to touch type and study Microsoft Word so it was terrific to go back to the start – amazing the things you forget!
Your presentation was excellent - very clear, and my dad would be delighted with your elocution and enunciation.
Loved the tip about dictating – I’ll use that for my mum – what a great way to have your memoires typed ready for editing.
I’m looking forward to watching the video to see what I missed as I’m in a school office and had a few interruptions….
Thanks again and see you next week for more learning.
(Online Microsoft Word Boot Camp)
It’s been over 30 years since I learnt to touch type and study Microsoft Word so it was terrific to go back to the start – amazing the things you forget!
Your presentation was excellent - very clear, and my dad would be delighted with your elocution and enunciation.
Loved the tip about dictating – I’ll use that for my mum – what a great way to have your memoires typed ready for editing.
I’m looking forward to watching the video to see what I missed as I’m in a school office and had a few interruptions….
Thanks again and see you next week for more learning.
(Online Microsoft Word Boot Camp)
Great Zoom class (4/7/20)
Bernadette B: Great Zoom class on selling on Gumtree, eBay etc. I had no knowledge of doing this but Lynette made it not only easy to understand but as always, fun too. I do so look forward to my iT and Coffee sessions!
(Online PTT Session)
(Online PTT Session)
A patient and tenacious treasure (3/7/20)
Jacinta C says: Lynette solved a problem that the global software help desk couldn’t solve – for three months! Lesson: go to Lynette first.
If you’re working solo and don’t have a trusty help desk to call on, I highly recommend Lynette. A patient and tenacious treasure. She doesn’t give up.
(Remote support - resolved issue with Zoom not allowing share of iPad screen via Windows computer)
If you’re working solo and don’t have a trusty help desk to call on, I highly recommend Lynette. A patient and tenacious treasure. She doesn’t give up.
(Remote support - resolved issue with Zoom not allowing share of iPad screen via Windows computer)
Fabulous (22/6/20)
Coralie S says: Really helpful and encouraging. Looking forward to more learning with Lynette in the future. Fabulous.
(Online class series - Photos on the Mac)
(Online class series - Photos on the Mac)
Advice is always spot on (22/6/20)
Loretta B says: Lynette to the rescue once again! Lynette worked with my admin assistant to advise us regarding our slow computer and what we could do to make it more efficient. Her advice is always spot on- practical and immediately effective. Thanks once again Lynette. 😊
(Remote support for small business)
(Remote support for small business)
Very much appreciated (11/6/20)
Ruth H says: Much appreciated the session which Lynette gave COTA Vic. ED.Group Members especially sending us a copy of her presentation.
(Zoom training session for COTA Vic, delivered only)
(Zoom training session for COTA Vic, delivered only)
Very useful and informative session (9/6/20)
Gina F says: Thanks Lynette for a very useful and informative session on how to use zoom. l learnt new features to use and tips if someone is using an ipad and given it's mostly new to me - how to host a zoom l will try all these out and probably need another session in a months time.
(Class for COTA on Zoom)
(Class for COTA on Zoom)
The Zoom classes are fantastic (5/6/20)
Marg B says: I think the Zoom classes are fantastic. Such a great way to take a class no travelling involved and the fact you can follow up afterwards with the video is very helpful. I hope that you continue to offer this service I am certainly interested and would like to know when ever you are offering anything. Thank you for the opportunity to join the IT and Coffee club family!
(Online PTT classes on Photo Books and Organising Photos)
(Online PTT classes on Photo Books and Organising Photos)
Definitely feel much more confident (5/6/20)
Melinda P says: I am so glad I did today’s session, that will all be so very useful to me. I can now organise all my notes and will be able to find them easily, instead of having to email them to myself and then put in a folder! I definitely feel much more confident with my Mac now. I actually like it now instead of wishing I had my old computer back.
(Online PTT class on the Notes app)
(Online PTT class on the Notes app)
Highly recommend her sessions (1/6/20)
Narelle J says: I attended a session on organising Mac Photos. The session was interesting, practical and Lynette was an excellent presenter using Zoom. Lynette has a positive attitude and makes IT seem a lot less imitating with step by step instructions . Lynette was friendly and provided ample opportunity to answer our questions which was very helpful. I would highly recommend her sessions.
(Online PTT class on Photos on the Mac)
(Online PTT class on Photos on the Mac)
Quick and effective response (18/5/20)
George D says: As always, very quick and effective response to my conundrum.
(Remote support appointment)
(Remote support appointment)
Respectful and highly professional. Would be lost without her. (16/5/20)
Loretta B says: Lynette is always so helpful even with the most basic of questions. She is respectful and highly professional and no issue seems to be beyond her. Would be lost without her advice-thanks Lynette.
(Remote support appointment)
(Remote support appointment)
Very quick and effective response (18/5/20)
No way for improvement (14/5/2020)
Jenny A says: I found the zoom class very well-explained without making us feel foolish and adding more than adequate time for questions.
I can find no way for improvement.
Thankyou again-you are a gem.
I can find no way for improvement.
Thankyou again-you are a gem.
I no longer feel inadequate (12/5/20)
Jane S says: One of the advantages of the Corona Lockdown has enabled me to confront my inadequate computer skills by doing an on-line course with Lynette Coulston at iTeaandCoffee Melbourne. In 2012 Lynette helped me with some basic computer skills. Unfortunately I could not continue with her classes because I live 3.5 hours from Melbourne. However with iTeaandCoffee having on-line courses it has enabled me improve my IT skills. I no longer feel inadequate. Lynette is a wonderful IT trainer, she is friendly intelligent and very patient unlike some of my family members.
(Remote support)
(Remote support)
Presented with humour and understanding (11/5/20)
Barbara S says: This novel way of teaching IT to older people is most helpful. It is informative and professionally presented with humour and understanding of the various abilities of the range of abilities of the participants. I have still so much to learn!
(PTT Session - Meet your Personal Assistant Siri)
(PTT Session - Meet your Personal Assistant Siri)
Classes have been fantabulous (10/5/20)
Roxanne V says: I just wanted to thank you for your lessons. I was so proud of myself using the app Adobe Fill and Sign yesterday instead of printing a document and taking it to Officeworks then scanning it and sending it which would have taken so long and is the way I used to do it. Now my Jobkeeper application is in and I can breathe a sigh of relief instead of waiting anxiously until Tuesday.
I would have never tackled that kind of app before always preferring to do things the hard way that I could sort of understand.
Also I was able to scan my invoices and keep my contractor boss happy unlike last time when she sent them back saying they were unreadable when I photographed them outside in the sun!
So my classes have been fantabulous already.
(PTT Session - Ditch that scanner)
I would have never tackled that kind of app before always preferring to do things the hard way that I could sort of understand.
Also I was able to scan my invoices and keep my contractor boss happy unlike last time when she sent them back saying they were unreadable when I photographed them outside in the sun!
So my classes have been fantabulous already.
(PTT Session - Ditch that scanner)
These videos are REALLY useful (9/5/20)
Margaret R says: I've just finished viewing your video of your 'Great Apps' session that I attended via Zoom. These videos are REALLY useful for me, because I can stop and go back over things. I have almost no visual memory, but a great memory for text: your videos allow me to expand or correct the notes I took during the session. Between the actual session and the video review, I've learned so much! From my point of view, these sessions are even better value than the non-Zoom classes. Thank you.
(PTT Session - Great Apps for Mobile Devices)
(PTT Session - Great Apps for Mobile Devices)
You make life easier for so many people (7/5/20)
Jenni H says: You are quite amazing. How are you manage to juggle all those glitches and keep a smile on your face is beyond me. But you know, in a funny sort of way it’s reassuring when someone like you needs to correct/adjust to malfunctioning equipment as you go along. I admire you so much, and I’m totally grateful for everything you offer. You make life easier for so many people. Including me.
Big virtual hug
(PTT Session - Meet your Personal Assistant Siri)
Big virtual hug
(PTT Session - Meet your Personal Assistant Siri)
The Zoom sessions were amazing (7/5/20)
Paul S says: Great session recently. I still have so much to do and learn so we will be joining many more meetings in the future. The Zoom sessions were amazing and I now regularly convene these meetings would you believe.
(PTT Session - Getting your Head in the Cloud)
(PTT Session - Getting your Head in the Cloud)
Relates in such a warm, positive way (7/5/20)
Desley W says: As said before,I find any class I’ve done most helpful. Lynette makes it all sound simple and very easy to follow.The class content was most helpful,delivered clearly. Lynette relates in such a warm, positive way, I enjoy the classes greatly.
(PTT Session - Staying Safe Online)
(PTT Session - Staying Safe Online)
Zoom appointment from a distance of 230 kms it is so easy and efficient (5/5/20)
Graeme W says: Without IT support in our town now I found an appointment on Zoom with Lynette excellent. Lynette quickly sorted out the issues with my MacBook Pro , and I also picked up some other helpful advice as well . When you can have a Zoom appointment from a distance of 230 kms it is so easy and efficient. Lynette is a very patient teacher with a great deal of knowledge to share.
(Remote support)
(Remote support)
I should have called you first (4/5/20)
Nina K says: A massive Thank you for sorting out an email problem last week which i’d spent 8hrs and .47mins on the phone to Telstra about over 3 weeks prior.
I should have called you first. Next time i will, many thanks.
(Remote support)
I should have called you first. Next time i will, many thanks.
(Remote support)
Exceptional Service (27/4/20)
George D says: As usual, first class advice. Lynette knows how to find the solution quickly. And she was available at very short notice despite having a class scheduled on Zoom shortly afterwards. What I call exceptional service.
(Remote support)
(Remote support)
Imparting Practical knowledge (27/4/20)
Bernadette B says: Last Wednesday I "attended" a wonderful Zoom lesson on using the Notes app. I had NO IDEA what you could do with Notes - now I will be able to do so much. Lynette, as always, was superb. Not only navigating what I assume is most difficult i.e. managing the Zoom concept but imparting the practical knowledge that now allows me to do so much with Notes! Lynette, I salute you!!
(PTT Session - Discovering Notes)
(PTT Session - Discovering Notes)
Delighted! (26/4/20)
Joan M says: I was delighted with your Zoom lesson and have used it several times since.
Looking forward to your next lesson.
(Online class, Getting Started on Zoom)
Looking forward to your next lesson.
(Online class, Getting Started on Zoom)
Thorough, clearly communicated and fun (26/4/20)
Ruth D says: As always an excellent session with Lynette, who addressed and resolved the issues I needed assistance with. Thorough, clearly communicated and fun.
(Remote support appointment)
(Remote support appointment)
She didn't make me feel foolish (25/4/20)
Judy R says: My phone consultation was re. a disastrous situation with my iPad.
Lynette was very helpful and solved the problem. More importantly, she didn’t make me feel foolish.
(Remote support appointment)
Lynette was very helpful and solved the problem. More importantly, she didn’t make me feel foolish.
(Remote support appointment)
Most helpful (25/4/20)
Cath M says: Thank you for your help in installing Zoom and guiding us through the lesson which we very much appreciated and found most helpful.
(Remote support appointment & Getting Started on Zoom class)
(Remote support appointment & Getting Started on Zoom class)
Great opportunity while home (24/4/20)
Sally D says: I really enjoyed the session and since your intro to Zoom have used it A LOT for all sorts of things!
I do like the look of some of your other 1 hr course coming up and for $10 I think I should be signing up and polishing up some skills. Great opportunity whilst home
(Getting Started on Zoom - Online Class)
I do like the look of some of your other 1 hr course coming up and for $10 I think I should be signing up and polishing up some skills. Great opportunity whilst home
(Getting Started on Zoom - Online Class)
Highly recommend others to join (22/4/20)
Jill G says: I am most grateful to Lynette for putting together Zoom Classes during these "stay at home" times. Initially I had a private session at Lynette's home so was familiar with her style, giving me confidence to join her iTandcoffee Club with all its many possibilities. I highly recommend others to join.
(PTT Sessions)
(PTT Sessions)
More knowledge and confidence every session (22/4/20)
Joan C says: Thank you once again for help. Am enjoying the current sessions enormously. I gain more knowledge and more confidence every session THANK YOU!
(PTT Sessions)
(PTT Sessions)
Providing a great service (19/4/20)
Karen H says: I just wanted to say thank you for the Zoom lesson on 1st April. It has been invaluable. I’m now doing 6 sessions of Telehealth a day and managing Zoom quite well. Clients are managing it all very well too. The availability of your sessions so quickly, at a time of major change for business was fantastic.
I’m motivated now to get my technology under control. Also, I have been using your instructions that you sent out for accessing zoom with my clients, to help them access my sessions. I hope that’s ok, as I could never have prepared and articulated the instructions as well as you.
Thanks again and hope you are surviving this busy time for your business. You’re providing a great service.
(Support for an Allied Health business - getting started on Zoom for Telehealth)
I’m motivated now to get my technology under control. Also, I have been using your instructions that you sent out for accessing zoom with my clients, to help them access my sessions. I hope that’s ok, as I could never have prepared and articulated the instructions as well as you.
Thanks again and hope you are surviving this busy time for your business. You’re providing a great service.
(Support for an Allied Health business - getting started on Zoom for Telehealth)
Wonderful IT Genius (19/4/20)
Marijke M says: You are a wonderful it genius Lynette. Pity you can’t take in an apprentice but you have taught me so much, that people here think I am clever and I always tell them to get some instructions or lessons but most are happy to plod along
(iPad & iPhone User Group)
(iPad & iPhone User Group)
Every interaction is engaging and immediately helpful (11/4/20)
Loretta B says: Lynette has come to my rescue once again with her excellent advice on refining the set up of Office 365 for my Practice as well as further advice and hints to refine my use of the Zoom platform for Telehealth sessions. Lynette's sense of humour and in-depth knowledge base ensures that every interaction with her is engaging and immediately helpful. No doubt I will be calling upon her expertise again soon.
(Remote support for small business)
(Remote support for small business)
Very competent and knowledgeable with the subject (8/4/20)
Desley W says: The one appointment I’ve had with iT and coffee was excellent. I thought Lynette a bright, charming person, and seemed very competent and knowledgeable with the subject. As it seemed more geared towards running meetings, or for some, from a business perspective, I may not take part again. A very positive experience.
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
It gave me confidence (8/4/20)
Rosemary M says: Thanks so much for your free presentation of Zoom. It gave me confidence in using the app and was very helpful as I now use it in the voluntary admin tasks I am undertaking.
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
Clear and concise teacher / bright presentation was engaging (6/4/20)
Jenni K says: The 'using zoom class' last Thursday was great for someone who had not used zoom previously. Lynette is a clear and concise teacher and structures the session in logical order. Her patience and bright presentation was engaging. I have now used zoom 4 times with confidence.
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
Comprehensive and easy to follow (6/4/20)
Margaret H says: I liked the Zoom course and thought it was very comprehensive and easy to follow. Although there was probably more information/detail than I needed for a ‘social’ user. The hook up went very well and you answered all participants queries.
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
The lesson was great!! (6/4/20)
Elizabeth T says: The lesson was great !! Thank you so much, we are now using zoom as a family which is wonderful. Being able to see them all during this difficult time is such a treat.
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
Informative and instructive (4/4/20)
Heather R says: I have completed the Introduction to Zoom course online and found it informative and instructive. I left the one hour session feeling I could use the features in Zoom I needed for my workshops and private sessions.
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
Generous (4/4/20)
Jenny L says: Thank you for giving us such an opportunity to expand our knowledge and practice with the seminar on Zoom. It was generous of you to give us your time freely.
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
The Online class that I took about Zoom was excellent (3/4/20)
Cathie S says: The Online class that I took about Zoom was excellent and although I had already used it before, it was great to have all of the features pointed out & explained. Your slide presentation that went with it was clear and useful to refer back to. So thanks for your help, it is much needed at this time when we are all stuck at home!
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
What a difference (2/4/20)
Marg Wilson says: What a difference my iT and Coffee subscription is having on my life!
(Remote support appointment)
(Remote support appointment)
It was great (30/3/20)
Pam & Stewart H says: Just some feedback from the virtual tutorial for zoom ... it was great! I liked the relaxed atmosphere of the 30 participants and what was surprising was how much more could be learned from other’s questions or technical stumbling points. In this way it was much more intuitive than a normal tutorial as more of the participants were actively engaged. Your expertise & gentle control was also much appreciated ... I think a whole new market niche is opening up.
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
A bright light in our world (27/3/20)
Jenni H says: You are such a bright light in our world, you never fail to impress and touch my heart with your generosity, your depth of knowledge, your extraordinary ability to relate to all people, and your beauty! (How do you keep that beautiful complexion I ask?). Really thank you thank you for yesterday. I finally got zoom to download on my computer. I hope now I can apply what I learnt yesterday. Though I’m partly tempted to do the refresher session on Tuesday. I wouldn’t want to stop someone else from joining in though.
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
(Getting started on Zoom Meetings - Online Class)
I will be beating a path to her door again (26/3/20)
Bruce L says: I have just completed my third individual one-hour session over the last couple of years with Lynette Coulston at iT and Coffee and cannot sing her praises more highly. She is most knowledgeable, thorough, clear in her explanations and demonstrations and, above all, patient. I do not hesitate in recommending her services, and am sure I will be beating a path to her door again.
(Online class, Getting Started on Zoom)
(Online class, Getting Started on Zoom)
Exactly what we required (23/3/20)
Loretta B says: Lynette recently ran an inservice for staff and contractors at my Practice to assist us move to using Telepractice with our clients during the Covid-19 crisis. She was warm and encouraging and all the staff felt comfortable to ask questions and engage with Lynette. The information provided was hands on and exactly what we required to give us the skills to confidently move forward in a new service delivery model. I would highly recommend ITandCoffee to all small businesses and those requiring support and guidance in using technology.
(Private class for small business team)
(Private class for small business team)
What would I do without you? (10/3/20)
Joan J says: As is usual with your teaching I found the lesson to be excellent..
What would I do without you. I have a whole new world opening up.
Many thanks.
(Private appointment at iTandCoffee)
What would I do without you. I have a whole new world opening up.
Many thanks.
(Private appointment at iTandCoffee)
Patient efficient assistance (9/3/20)
Sue O says: An individual appointment was excellent value for both patient efficient assistance and personal learning. Thank you, Lynette!
(Private appointment at iTandCoffee)
(Private appointment at iTandCoffee)
I feel extremely grateful (7/3/20)
Sandra F says: As usual my appointment with Lynette in her lovely. new setting, left me feeling I had much ‘homework' to do, and my head felt like scrambled egg. However I have succeeded since then in restoring a lost precious play list on my iPod, setting up a secure storage system for passwords, which is a great reassurance, and starting to make Time Machine work well as an ongoing back up system. I feel extremely grateful that I can gather myself into working order and continue with IT for a few years yet, despite the frailties of encroaching old age! My photos come next - be warned, they are a mess!
(Private appointment at iTandCoffee)
(Private appointment at iTandCoffee)
Thanks for explaining thing is a way we could understand (6/2/20)
Ruth G says: Thank you so much for today and especially for explaining things in a way we could understand and not make us feel like total idiots. I feel a little more confident and look forward to learning more and putting my new found knowledge into helping my friend build her business into the success she has worked hard to achieve and deserves it to be, finally.
(Shared private appointment at iTandCoffee)
(Shared private appointment at iTandCoffee)
A pleasure to deal with (21/1/20)
George D says: As usual, Lynette was a pleasure to deal with and was most useful
(Private appointment at iTandCoffee)
(Private appointment at iTandCoffee)
Within 10 seconds she had solved the problem! (13/1/2020)
Mike K says: The other day I was faced with a frustrating and time wasting issue with my iMac computer’s recently updated system. I rang iTandCoffee, spoke briefly to Lynette and explained my problem. She was on holidays but promised to call back within twenty minutes. When she did I went to Team Viewer so she could see my screen. Within ten seconds she had solved the problem ! Great service, iTandCoffee !
(Remote support using Teamviewer)
(Remote support using Teamviewer)
27 Sycamore St, Camberwell, Victoria Australia
(also located in Daylesford)
(also located in Daylesford)
Call +61 444 532 161 or 1300 885 320
to book an appointment or class, or to enquire about our services and products
Seniors Card holders qualify for a 10% discount on all classes booked and paid for online (excludes PTT sessions and classes already discounted during COVID-19 crisis). To activate the discount at the time of booking, select Redeem Coupon or Gift Certificate and enter 10OFFSEN before selecting Pay Now. |
© 2012-2025 iTandCoffee Pty Ltd. All rights reserved ACN: 606 340 434