iTandCoffee now has a new part-time home - in the beautiful country town of Daylesford. The photo here shows the stunning outlook from our new garden. We have taken the past week or so away from work to move in and get settled.
From Monday 30th Sept, it is back to business as usual for iTandCoffee. Nothing changes for those of you needing remote support from iTandCoffee - I will still be working weekdays remotely from both the Daylesford and Camberwell locations, and bookings can continue to be made via the iTandCoffee website. We are lucky to have excellent internet at both locations, making working remotely very easy. The main change will be that only certain times and days of the week will be available for 'in person' appointments at iTandCoffee in Camberwell (or at the client's location) - usually Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. If you ever find that you need support, but can't find a suitable time via the iTandCoffee online booking system, please just email [email protected] to check if there are available times not showing in the calendar. And, for those of you who don't normally receive this fortnightly newsletter, I hope you find its content useful. If you do, why not consider joining the iTandCoffee Club to continue receiving future newsletters like this.
Over the holiday break, this little bee has been busy updating and uploading a range of iTandCoffee books (10 in fact!) to reflect latest features and screens from macOS Ventura and iOS/iPadOS 16.
These new editions books are now available in the iTandCoffee Online Store in both PDF and Paperback format. The PDF versions are, of course, available for FREE DOWNLOAD by those of you who have Online or Premium membership of the iTandCoffee Club (grab the Coupon Code here). (The total value of these new free downloads is $249!) Here's the list of latest edition books to choose from - including the newly uploaded PDF version of the new Guided Tour of the Apple Watch, released in December 2022. 18/4/2020 1 Comment I'm loving our online User Groups - so we will hold them more often for a while !
This online format has turned out to be such a fun and fantastic way to host the monthly iTandCoffee User Group meetings! And it has allowed people from all over Victoria - and interstate - to attend our classes/sessions.
Not only do we cover so much useful information in these sessions, we have also found them to be very social - a great way of connecting with others during this time of social distancing. This month's iPad & iPhone User Group session is now available in the Members-Only area, for those of you who have Plus, Online or Premium membership of The iTandCoffee Club. We are very excited to welcome a new member of the iTandCoffee Team - the gorgeous Heidi Mitchell, who you will see at the iTandCoffee Shop from Tues-Fri.
Help with Getting Started / Learning the Basics - now at a reduced cost at iTandCoffee Heidi is available to assist anyone who needs 'basics' and 'getting started' assistance with their technology - in particular, iPad, iPhone and Mac. She can also assist with troubleshooting, and with updates/upgrades and answering a range of questions. You can book a time to see Heidi, or just pop in to the iTandCoffee shop between 10am and 2:30pm Tuesday - Friday (although safest bet is to arrange a time before you come in, so you don't have to wait!). Our number is 09886 0814 and email address is [email protected]. (If Heidi is not able to answer your question or fully resolve your issue, she will refer you to Lynette for assistance.) The assistance offered by Heidi is our new Get Started/Learn the Basics type of appointment, which comes at a lower cost than the standard appointment at iTandCoffee. See our Prices page for further details. We hope that you will take advantage of this new service from iTandCoffee - and Heidi looks forward to meeting you! iTandCoffee Joins the Be Connected Network
There’s never been a better time to be online. Be Connected is an Australian Government initiative aimed at increasing the confidence, skills and online safety of older Australians when they use the internet and everyday technology. Older Australians with low internet skills can often feel isolated from their community and family at a time in their lives when feeling connected is increasingly important. Be Connected aims to change that through a family and community centred approach; it will help older Australians to realise the value of being connected online and provide access to appropriate training and support in a safe and familiar environment. Launched in early October 2017, the Be Connected initiative delivers a range of resources specifically designed to support these Australians via:
We’re very excited to be accepted as a Be Connected Network Partner and look forward to introducing new clients to iTandCoffee’s unique offering of Technology Lifestyle Courses and our patient, friendly and social teaching style. Join us on February 1st On February 1st, iTandCoffee is hosting our first Be Connected at iTandCoffee! If you are 50 years and over, and this sounds like a program you might be interested in, please come along. If you know someone aged 50 years and over who has minimal or no engagement with digital technology, bring them along and join us as we explore what Be Connected has on offer. Meet our Be Connected tutors and sign-up to discover how being online can add new skills and experiences to your life. Don't worry if you don't yet have any technology. iTandCoffee will be able to assist you, offering regular times that you can pop in and use our technology to access the program. No bookings are required. If you would like to talk to us about this program, call iTandCoffee on 1300 885 420 or 03 9886 0814. |
What's on at iTandCoffee ?Below is our list of videos, classes and other events that are coming up soon.
Videos shown are offered for eligible members of the iTandCoffee Club. If you have questions, why not join fun and informative 'user group' meetings, held once a month. All iTandCoffee classes are run as online classes (using Zoom), which means you can attend from anywhere. |
27 Sycamore St, Camberwell, Victoria Australia
(also located in Daylesford)
(also located in Daylesford)
Call +61 444 532 161 or 1300 885 320
to book an appointment or class, or to enquire about our services and products
Seniors Card holders qualify for a 10% discount on all classes booked and paid for online (excludes PTT sessions and classes already discounted during COVID-19 crisis). To activate the discount at the time of booking, select Redeem Coupon or Gift Certificate and enter 10OFFSEN before selecting Pay Now. |
© 2012-2025 iTandCoffee Pty Ltd. All rights reserved ACN: 606 340 434