6/12/2024 0 Comments How can I find which videos are using up the most space on my iPhone/iPad and in iCloud?This week, I assisted a client who had storage issues on her iPhone and in iCloud, looking at the quickest and most effective way to reduce the storage being used.
In particular, this client had a lot of photos and videos - and I suggested that the best way to free up space quickly is to delete any videos that she didn't need to keep, focussing first on the videos that use up the most space. The Photos app itself doesn't give you way of viewing your videos by size - but there IS a way to do this on you iPhone and iPad, and to then quickly remove any space-hogging unwanted videos.
The Camera App of the iPad and iPhone provides a handy feature, to take a Burst of photos - rapid-fire photos that allow you to capture movement, the best smiles, etc.
While it is a great feature, you can end up with lots of excess Burst photos that you don't really need to keep - and that can use up quite a bit of your storage. Here's how to clean up these Bursts in the new Photos app in iOS 18.
iOS/iPadOS 18 (and macOS 15 Sequoia) are arriving soon, probably around 13th September.
Apple has announced that its next big event is scheduled for early morning September 10th (AU time). They will announce new products (including iPhone 16 range) and the release date for these new versions of the operating systems. I have been taking a look at a preview version of iOS/iPad 18, and one of the biggest changes is to the Photos app. It is sure to confuse and frustrate many iPhone and iPad users. If you have had to select a photo (or multiple photos) from somewhere in your Photos library - for example when you are in Mail, Safari or some other app - you have probably found that Apple no longer makes it possible to see and search for your photos by Album.
An example of where I recently found this incredibly frustrating was when creating a photo book of my daughters wedding. 21/6/2024 0 Comments Now you can use the Magic Eraser and Blur features of Google Photos on your iPhoneHave you seen the ads on TV for the Magic Eraser feature on certain Android phones, and wished you had that feature on iPhone as well?
Well, there is great news. You do now have that feature - and more. I have been asked this several times in relation to photos, especially old photos - is it possible for some descriptive text to appear under the photo, and always be visible?
Apple's Markup feature, which is available from the Photos app, allows the addition of text to an image. But the text appears on top of the image, which is not necessarily what is wanted. And it's not easy to add a white background to the text, so that it is like a banner at the bottom of the photo. (Here's a members-only tip that show how you could use Markup if you do want to give it a go: Add Text to Photo using Apple's Markup.) There is a particular app that I use that does a lovely job of this, adding a white background section at the bottom of the photo with whatever text you choose to enter - and even a date for the photo, if you choose to enter that. I have shown some examples from my own family photos in the image above. In a separate Handy Hint, we look at how you can hide photos on the iPad, iPhone and Mac - so that they are not visible in other views. Instead, they are found in a Hidden album that is password (Face ID/Touch ID) protected, providing a great way of keeping sensitive images secure.
Here is where to find that Handy Hint: Hiding photos that you don't want visible in your Photos timeline A client of iTandCoffee was making use of this feature on the iPad and iPhone, but when she came to her Mac, she could not see the Hidden album in the sidebar - so could not get to those hidden photos. Here's how this was quickly fixed.
Have you ever taken a photo that, while you need to keep it, you don't really want it to appear in your 'timeline' of photos or your 'Recents' view? An example might be not-so-pleasant medical-type photos. For me, it was screenshots of internet outages and speed tests. I needed to keep these photos, but really didn't want to see them in my Photos timeline.
There is an easy way in the Photos app on the iPhone, iPad and Mac that you can remove such images from 'plain sight'.
When you have a significant numbers of photos and/or video/s to send to someone else, the overall size of the content can prevent you sending using Mail, Messages and other methods.
Something that you may not have noticed in the Share menu of the Photos app is the option to Copy iCloud Link. This option will be visible if you have turned on iCloud Photos. What this means is that you can select some photos/videos and then, instead of sending that content as part of the message, copy and send a link to a temporary web page in iCloud that contains the photos. This web page is then available for 30 days, after which it disappears. This means that you are sending a tiny message size-wise, and the recipient can choose when to tap/click the link to view the photos/videos and - if they desire - download them.
An iTandCoffee Club members asked this question a few weeks ago.
He likes to organise all his photos into Albums using his Mac Photos app, and was frustrated that he couldn't work out which photos were not yet added to any Album. There is an easy way to create a special Album that can automatically show any photos that are not yet in any of your Albums. |
What's on at iTandCoffee ?Below is our list of videos, classes and other events that are coming up soon.
Videos shown are offered for eligible members of the iTandCoffee Club. If you have questions, why not join fun and informative 'user group' meetings, held once a month. All iTandCoffee classes are run as online classes (using Zoom), which means you can attend from anywhere. |
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