20/10/2021 0 Comments This is such a great feature of iOS/iPadOS 15 - Live Text in Photos, Camera and SafariThere is a new feature of iOS/iPad 15 that I particularly love - the ability to select text that is in an image and then copy and paste it, translate it, share it and more.
It works whether you are in the Photos app, in Safari, or when you are pointing your device's camera at something. So that hard-copy page of text can now be so easily converted into typed and editable text, without needing any third-party app to achieve this.
19/10/2021 0 Comments How to copy all your Messages from your iPhone - especially those with precious memoriesThis is a topic that has come up a few times a year in my dealings with clients, especially at a time of loss.
How can you take a copy of all the precious messages that someone sent you and that you sent them - so that they don't get lost if something happens to your phone? If you do have precious messages on your device, there IS a way that you can extract them and back them up in a format that allows you to look back at them in future, even if those messages are no longer present on your phone. 19/10/2021 0 Comments A quick way to split your Windows screen in two, and have two windows side by sideOne of the tips that we cover in Part 5 of our series of videos about Windows File Explorer (being featured in our Video of the Day series, and available to Premium iTandCoffee Club members all year round) is how to quickly and easily split your Windows screen into two equal parts, without having to manually drag the edges/corners of the windows and then move them into a side-by-side position.
In the scenario we cover in the Part 5 video, we use this split screen to organise files into folders. This allows us to drag files/folders showing on one side of the screen into a folder showing on the other side. (Note. The Part 5 video will feature as Video of the Day on 27/10/21 - for those of you with eligible iTandCoffee Club membership.) The same split screen capability can also be so useful when you need to be looking at information from two apps at once - or perhaps need to compare two versions of a document/file.
Just in case you missed the information about this in a recent Video of the Day email and in the press, there is now the option to add your Covid Vaccination Certificate to your Service Victoria or Service NSW app.
The right-most screen in the image above shows an example of how your vaccination status is displayed after you have checked in. Have you discovered this wonderful feature of Powerpoint under Microsoft 365?
It is the Live Captions/Subtitles feature - where the words spoken by the presenter magically appear on the screen beneath the presentation, allowing those who are hearing impaired to participate more fully in presentations. The captions/sub-titles can even be in a different language! 12/10/2021 0 Comments How you can nominate a 'Recovery Contact' who can help if you lose your Apple password
Just this week, I assisted a client who found herself in trouble due to forgotten passwords - for both her Apple ID and her Mac.
When she tried to do a password reset of her Apple password, a message popped up on her Mac asking her to confirm her Mac password, so that she could then enter a new password. Unfortunately, as I see quite often with Mac users, her Mac just turns on without asking for a password - so she had no idea what the Mac's 'master' password was. So she faced a roadblock that was tricky to get around. What would have been handy in this case is a new feature that Apple has introduced as part of iOS/iPadOS 15 - where you can nominate a person (in fact, up to 5 people) as a Recovery Contact.
Apple delivered an update to iOS/iPadOS 15 about a week ago - in iOS/iPadOS 15.0.1 - and this has resolved some of the early teething problems.
I must say that I have found fewer glitches since then. And reports in the press are that this is one of the more stable upgrades from Apple for a while. So, for those of you waiting to 'jump in', is it time to upgrade?
Those of you who have upgraded to iOS 15 on your iPhone will no doubt have noticed a significant change to the Safari app.
The Search bar in Safari has moved to the bottom of the screen instead of the top. The iPhone shown above left shows what this looks like. There is a good reason for this move. But for those of you who prefer the bar up the top, there is an easy way to change to the top position.
In a recent tip, after the release of iOS/iPadOS 15, we looked at how you can adjust the date, time and location of a photo in Photos on the iPad and iPhone. (Here is that tip if you missed it.)
You can now also name the people who are in your photos, so that they appear in the People album. This a such a great way of collecting all the photos of the people you love and know into one place - without you having to do all the work of finding them. By adding name tags to the people in your photos, you help the facial recognition technology identify even more photos of the same person in the rest of your library. This one was published just over a year ago, in August 2020. I am republishing it now after receiving a few queries on the topic recently.
iTandCoffee has been working with a client, assisting to run several Zoom sessions for that client. For the first Zoom session, we encountered an issue where the client could not add me as a co-host - only as a host. Here's what was causing this issue and how we fixed it. |
What's on at iTandCoffee ?Below is our list of videos, classes and other events that are coming up soon.
Videos shown are offered for eligible members of the iTandCoffee Club. If you have questions, why not join fun and informative 'user group' meetings, held once a month. All iTandCoffee classes are run as online classes (using Zoom), which means you can attend from anywhere. |
27 Sycamore St, Camberwell, Victoria Australia
(also located in Daylesford)
(also located in Daylesford)
Call +61 444 532 161 or 1300 885 320
to book an appointment or class, or to enquire about our services and products
Seniors Card holders qualify for a 10% discount on all classes booked and paid for online (excludes PTT sessions and classes already discounted during COVID-19 crisis). To activate the discount at the time of booking, select Redeem Coupon or Gift Certificate and enter 10OFFSEN before selecting Pay Now. |
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