22/3/2020 0 Comments How to stop Google from backing up Desktop, Documents and Pictures folders and filling up your storageIf you are a Google Drive user, you have the capability to sync your Google Drive files to your computer - so that they are accessible from your Mac Finder or Windows File Explorer, even when you don't have internet.
I love this feature, as it allows easy editing of Word, Excel and Powerpoint documents using my Desktop apps. To do this, you download and install the Google Backup and Sync service. However, it is important to understand the settings associated with this service once it is installed.
No sooner does one School Year finish and we’re thinking about the next.
For many parents with children heading off to secondary school for the first time, it is perhaps time to consider a first mobile phone for their child. It is also very common these days for even primary school children to carry a smartphone. It may also be the year that your child starts using an iPad, Mac or Windows laptop at school. Here are some things to think about before you hand over any of this type of technology to your child 7/11/2016 0 Comments A huge loss this week for an iTandCoffee client - don't get caught out by this!![]() Imagine what it would be like to lose all your family's digital photos and other important documents that are stored on your computer, especially those relating to a recently departed loved one. Sadly, this is what has happened to an iTandCoffee client just this week. This poor woman, who is an AGL customer, was caught out by the AGL Email Scam - a scam email that look very legitimate, and that has been 'doing the rounds' for months now, catching out tens of thousands of people. Don't be caught by the AGL Email Scam (or others like it) The AGL scam email is particularly nasty. I looks like a real AGL monthly bill notification. Those who click on the mail message's attached .zip file on their Windows computer (as this lady did) will find that all their files suddenly become inaccessible, locked up by a 'ransomware' virus called 'Cryptolocker'. (This .zip file does not work on Macs, iPads, and iPhones, so does not cause the same damage.) A message appears, asking that a ransom be paid - an amount of around $800. This will supposedly then release all the files and allow the victim to continue using their computer. Unfortunately, even if the ransom is paid and the files are unlocked, the computer may still be infected with the virus and the criminals will be able to continue monitoring the computer and tracking keystrokes - meaning that further theft of money and private information could occur. Here is an article about this AGL scam, for anyone who has not heard of it and the damage that it does. What can be done if you are caught out by this ransomware? For those who are 'stung' by this nasty virus, the best solution is to restore from a backup. Unfortunately, so few people actually do backups of their computers - including this particular lady. So, what can this lady do to retrieve all her precious photos and files if she has no backup? Sadly, it is unlikely that she can if she does not pay the ransom. Her best bet before she does anything is to consult an IT professional who can advise on whether there is any chance of retrieving her precious files. If she decides to pay the ransom and gets access again to her data, her photos and files should be saved to an external hard drive. Her best bet then would be to have her computer wiped and the operating system re-installed, to start with 'a clean slate'. iTandCoffee can assist with this - just call 1300 885 420 to find out more. Are you backing up your computer? If you are not doing a regular backup of your computer, you are putting yourself at serious risk of losing everything that is stored on that computer. Just this week, iTandCoffee has seen two clients who have suffered computer problems and have not had backups. The stress that this causes is enormous - especially when it comes to lost photos. Don't put it off! Start backing up the precious data on your computer, iPad, iPhone or other device today. If you don't know how, it's time to arrange an appointment at iTandCoffee. We can advise on the options and help you set up this essential protection for your valuable data. Book an appointment online or call 1300 885 420. 5/5/2016 1 Comment Kids who lose their school or uni work due to computer glitch - and the parents who suffer the consequences!![]() I have lost track of the number of times that I have been contacted by parents who are dealing with distraught secondary or tertiary aged students in their household - kids who have had a 'major technical glitch' and have lost key files from their computer. In some cases, it has been a hard drive crash that has caused the loss of ALL of the content of their computer. If you are a parent of a child who uses an iPad, other tablet, or computer for their school or uni work, it might be time to check in with them to see if they have a backup strategy in place for their important and precious files. If they have a computer, do they back up regularly to an external hard drive? Or do they use a cloud storage solution like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, or iCloud Drive? Do they use iCloud and have iCloud Backup enabled on their iPad and iPhone.? It is so easy to put in place a backup strategy and keep important information safe. If they or you don't know how to do this, iTandCoffee can help. We are seeking expressions of interest for a new session on the topic 'How to keep your valuable data safe - options for backing up and cloud storage'. If you are interested in attending such a session - or sending along your student child - please email [email protected] to let us know. We will then be in touch if there is enough interest to run this class. (Note. Private appointments can be arranged at any time, either at iTandCoffee or in your own home.) Just in case you are interested in some further reading matter, here are some previous articles published by iTandCoffee on this very topic. ![]() Here's a question: What would happen to all your valuable photos, contacts data, document, texts, and more if your broke or lost your iPhone or iPad? If you don't sync your device with iCloud, back your device up to iCloud, or use iTunes to sync and backup your device, all your important data that is housed on your device will, most likely, be lost. It is devastating when it happens. For kids, it can mean the loss of important school or uni work. (Did your eyes just glaze over when I mentioned backups, iTunes and iCloud? Don't worry - you are not alone!) At the start of another school year, it seems like a good time to talk about backups again. Backing up your iPad and iPhone can be so easy - as easy as turning on a 'switch' in your iCloud settings. Do you know if you have done this? Many people choose not to do this, perhaps because they don't even know that the option exists, but often because they are worried about using iCloud - worried that it is something tricky, worried about their privacy and security, worried that they just don't know what it is or what it does, worried that it might cost them lots of money. If this sounds like you, why not come along to iTandCoffee's 2-hour session called 'Understanding and Using iCloud' on Wednesday 17th February, 10am-12pm. We will unravel that 'glorious mystery' that is iCloud and help you make sure that you don't lose any important contents of your Apple Mobile device/s. It can all happen seamlessly for you - a 'set and forget' that gives you great peace of mind. Those who attend this session will receive iTandCoffee's digital guide on the topic for FREE. Select the button below to find out more about this session, and to book your place. There are very limited places, so don't delay. If you would rather book by phone, call 1300 885 420. Or email [email protected]. Related Handy Hints and ArticlesSome of the below tips are accessible only by iTandCoffee Club members. Find out more about the iTandCoffee Club here.
17/9/2015 0 Comments Backing up your iPad and iPhone in preparation for upgrade to iOS 9 or move to new device![]()
Well, it's iOS upgrade time again. The latest version of iOS - iOS 9 - is now available for download and installation.
If you missed last week's article that outlined the content of iOS 9, here is the link. I wouldn't suggest everyone rush in and download immediately - perhaps let iOS 9 settle in for a week or so, to see if any major issues are reported. I will include an update on how it has been received in next week's newsletter. Before you even think about upgrading - or migrating to a brand new device - you need to be sure that you have a backup of your iPad and/or iPhone. While problems don't happen often, upgrades (and updates) can occasionally fail. If this occurs, you will want to be sure to have a backup from which you can restore your device. before re-attempting the upgrade/update. You have two options -
Backing up to iTunes Of course, to back up to iTunes, you need a computer running iTunes, a version that is compatible with your i-Device's iOS version. An iTunes backup is a much more comprehensive backup than an iCloud backup. It includes the full contents of your device, including the apps. Additionally, it does not require use of the internet - no upload/download data is used by this form of backup. If you have a computer, it is well worth doing an iTunes backup every now and then, even if you already backup to iCloud. Another important different with an iTunes backup is that, when you specify that you want to encrypt your iTunes backup, that backup will include any passwords used by your device, and will ensure these are restored to your device when you restore from the backup. An un-encrypted iTunes backup will not store passwords, so you will need to re-do these when your device is re-instated. Sometimes, this can cause quite a bit of grief - trying to remember all those key passwords. Backing up to iCloud An iCloud backup only backs up those things that are not already available for re-downloading from iCloud/iTunes and requires (of course) use of the internet to re-instate your device. And an iCloud backup will not back up passwords. Restoring from an iCloud backup requires an internet connection and, depending on how much data is stored on your device, may use up a significant amount of your monthly data allowance. Need help with backups or upgrades? The whole area of backups and upgrades can get quite overwhelming for many. If you need help with either of these, please don't hesitate to contact iTandCoffee on 1300 885 420 or email [email protected] Below are some past articles and handy hints on the topic or backups and iCloud, for those who feel like doing some further reading. Here also is a good article from MacWorld on this topic. Related Articles and Handy Hints
Some of the below articles/hints require membership of the iTandCoffee Club. Not yet a member of the iTandCoffee Club?
Why not join today to view a vast number of handy hints like this, and to have access to other great 'members only' offers and products - including free sessions at iTandCoffee in Glen Iris.
I just saw an article, published overnight, about some new features now available in iCloud.
If you accidentally delete Contacts, Calendar entries, Reminders or files from your iCloud, you can get them back. Here is the article published yesterday by Macworld.
Just this week, I found my little 11-inch Macbook Air was bulging at the seams and needed a bit of a clean out!
So, I spent quite a bit of time getting rid of all sorts of files that didn't need to be kept. But, after all that work, my Mac showed that there was still a lot of 'Other' space filled up with who knows what. It was then that I realised that, in assisting clients with various problems, I had a few times done iTunes Backups of their devices. Some of these devices had quite large storage capacity and usage, meaning that I probably had a large amount of space being taken up with iTunes backup I no longer needed. Find out in this week's handy hint just what I was able to do the 'clear out' these un-needed backups, and free up about 40GB of space on my little Mac!!
Not yet a member of the iTandCoffee Club?
Why not join today to view a vast number of handy hints like this, and to have access to other great 'members only' offers and products - including free sessions at iTandCoffee in Glen Iris. ![]() Kids and their computers! A person in this household (who I shall not name, and is not shown in the photo) has just suffered a hard drive failure on a 3 year old Macbook Pro computer. A visit to the Apple Genius Bar is booked for tomorrow, but it looks very much like the hard drive needs to be re-formatted or replaced - both of which mean the loss of all data on the hard drive. Now, you would be forgiven for thinking that, in this particular household, the impact such a 'disaster' would be lessened by the knowledge that all important data on the computer has been safely backed up on a regular basis - as frequently recommended by the mother of the household. Well, no - not exactly. In fact, not at all! No backup, no storage of important files in Dropbox or any other 'cloud-based' storage. Unbelievable! Are your kids the same? Do they just not GET that technology can fail, and take no precautions to ensure that their valuable work, photos and other files are protected? Do they just assume that their tech-life is bulletproof, just like the rest of their life? It can be so easy to protect their important school and uni work. Why won't they do it? I am still shaking my head is disbelief and frustration. If your child (unlike mine) is interested in finding out about how they can protect all their valuable data, please call iTandCoffee on 1300 885 420 or email [email protected]. 18/6/2015 0 Comments A great accessory for travelling with your iPhone and iPad - battery charging, backup and extra storage for your i-Device![]() If you are looking for a device that allows you to back up photos while travelling, store addtional data (such as movies) and even charge your iPhone and iPad, this device might be worth checking out. It is called the Imation Link Power Drive. Here is an article about it, published in The Age on June 15 2015. Our 'Travel with your iPad & iPhone' class has even more great travel tips This is one of the great tips we cover in the Travel with your iPad and iPhone class. The class will next be held on July 25th 2015 - click here for more details or to book. For details of other great iTandCoffee classes, check out the class schedule here. If you are travelling before the date of the next class, so are keen to attend this class on an earlier date, email iTandCoffee on [email protected] or call 1300 885 420. |
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Videos shown are offered for eligible members of the iTandCoffee Club. If you have questions, why not join fun and informative 'user group' meetings, held once a month. All iTandCoffee classes are run as online classes (using Zoom), which means you can attend from anywhere. |
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